


Elaine R Sibert

CEO, CoFounder Rain Systems, Inc.
Elaine R Sibert is a graduate of University of Texas Arlington, with a BBA in Finance. She founded her first production company in at 26 with no outside investment and grew it into a multi-million dollar venture, with revenues of over $150M. As CEO and Executive Producer at Three (One) O, Elaine oversaw operations and produced projects across the country and around the world. In 2016, she and Jim Sibert made the decision to work together to launch Rain Systems. They had secured the IP on their technology, built the working prototype and now needed to work together on pilots for case studies to launch the company in Southern California. Rain Systems provides customers with a solution to reduce water usage for turf irrigation by 50%. Our patented technology, the Precision Injection Machine, installs a hydrogel into existing turf at root level while keeping the grass pristine. Once installed, hydrogel increases the water retention capacity of soil. It absorbs water typically lost in drainage and evaporation and slowly releases it back into the soil, leading to fewer days of irrigation and reduction of water usage. Rain Systems became a Portfolio Company at the Los Angeles Cleantech Incubator in April 2016, since that time they have implemented pilots with CalState University Northridge, City of Los Angeles Department of Recreation and Parks, Los Angeles Unified School District, and Soule Park Golf Course. Elaine worked with the SoCal Edge program at LACI to create the case studies for the initial pilots. She applied for and received the Innovative Conservation Program Grant for Rain Systems "Precision Injection Machine Water Conservation Pilot" from the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California in June 2018. Elaine is expanding her team at Rain Systems and growing the company that provides a solution to customers to save billions of gallons of water on turf irrigation.